Monday, March 23, 2009

Ringworm and Funzis

Funzi update: 0
Ringworm update: 0
(picture is of Mica, Vincente, Gabriella and Neehma on a walk we took last week)

OK, so I know what ringworm is...what I didn't know was how prevalent it is here at the Children's Village. It turns out this is the reason all of the children's heads are shaved, so we can keep track of when the kids have it and when they need medicine etc.. There is such an epidemic of it that I also want to have stock in the anti-fungal cream used here. All of the toddlers have it, all over their heads and little bodies. So far I haven't contracted it, however they run up and hug me and sit on top of me and basically just rub all over i figure it is just a matter of time. I just wish there was some other name for it, Ringworm sounds so gross, I have visions of a worm circling around in a ring on my arm, but know that is just my latest fantasy :)

Now, Funzi's are another story. These are little worms that get into your feet through the dirt. Now it is bad enough that they are inside of your body, but then I come to find out they lay their eggs and it gets really infected and gruesome. The prevention is to scrub your feet really well and luckily I have brought a hard core scrub brush, otherwise I would have had one for sure by now.

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