Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lemomo and his pink outfits

One of the greatest things about where we live, is that clothes are clothes and no one cares what color they are! Lemomo (above) has several pink outfits, one of which is a pink Tinkerbell hoody like the one he has on now, but it has sparkles! I just love that the preconceived notions of what colors boys should or shouldnt wear are not present here at all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracie,

    Wow, what a great blog! My name is Shaina and I've been researching the Tanzanian Children's Fund for a couple of days and I came across your posts. I hope you don't mind - I'm really enjoying them. I've just applied for a position as the Volunteer Coordinator there and I made the decision to apply partly based on what I found here in your blog. Kudos to you for what you are doing! I'd love to ask you a few questions if you have a few minutes sometime. My email address is - I'd love to hear from you. Thanks and I look forward to your future posts! =)
