Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Picture is of a small Masai Boma within about 10 minutes walk from our village.

TIA Modified: TIT – This is Tanzania
You’ve probably heard the acronym TIA before. People usually say it when something ridiculous happens that can’t be explained, so it’s just explained with a shrug and three letters: TIA (this is Africa).

Some volunteers at RVCV have modified it a bit to reflect our specific location on the continent: TIT. This is Tanzania.
Starting with the basics – cell phones. It seems like everyone here has a cell phone, and what’s more, there is cell service all over the place. For a country with so little infrastructure (my lack of elaboration should indicate how little there really is), the cell phone phenomenon is incredible. How can ‘everyone’ afford to have a cell phone, when practically everyone is suffering from poverty, lack of education, etc., etc? Oh well, I guess TIT.
to be cont...

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